Stone Management in the Urological System
Urolithiasis refers to the formation or presence of concrement in the urological system. We offer systems for different techniques for the percutaneous or transurethral treatment of nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis.
- Product Highlights
RZ PCNL Nephroskope und Zubehör
Mauermayer stone punch with shaft and optics
- Product Details
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is an established method for extracting large kidney stones.
RZ Nephroscope with parallel view, 6°

Nephroscope instruments and accessories
The mini PCNL describes percutaneous access with instruments and optical systems between 12 and 20 Fr. The minimally invasive approach used by PCNL is also effective with larger stones.
RZ Compact Nephroskop Set

Rz Mini PCNL Set
Our ureterorenoscope and instruments can be used for the transurethral treatment of stones in the urinary system and the diagnosis of changes in the ureteral or renal pelvis.

URS mit Dichtungskappen

URS mit eingeführtem Instrument
Various instruments and procedures complete our range for the complete treatment of kidney and ureteral stones.
Mauermayer stone punch with shaft and optics

Hamada bladder stone lithotripter
- Contact
Do you have any questions?
Get in touch with us: we are here to help you and will be happy to answer your questions. At RZ-Medizintechnik, we put you, your wishes and concerns first.