High frequency surgery
High frequency surgery (HF surgery) is an essential technology for both endoscopic and open surgery. Whether in private practices or in clinics – it belongs in many medical fields of application. The selection of monopolar and bipolar devices and instruments is large and RZ offers solutions for devices, instruments and accessories for all endoscopic indications.
The RZ-HF devices G44 and G400 have special setting options for arthroscopy, urology, hysteroscopy and laparoscopic or open surgery.
- Product highlights
High-frequency generator G44
High-frequency generator G400
HF instruments and accessories
- Product Details
The G44 combines classic monopolar and bipolar functions with settings for urology and gynaecology. Easy to use touch screen and instrument recognition make operation very intuitive.
- Intelligent instrument recognition system
- Intuitive touch screen
- Automatic power regulation
- Configurable working modes
- Real-time parameter control
- Special endoscopic modes
- Bipolar resection
- Easy software update
Technical data:
- Mains voltage 110-240 VAC
- Power consumption 1100VA
- Generator operating frequency 333kHz
- Display TFT 7" WVGA
- System for automatic power regulation of spectrum results
- Monopolar coagulation: max. 200W (200Ω)
- Monopolar cutting: max. 400W (100Ω)
- Bipolar coagulation: max. 400W (25Ω)
- Bipolar cutting: max. 330W (150Ω)
- NEM system:
- Neutral electrode control
- Optical display
- Required resistance < 240 Ω
- Dimensions: 385 x 305 x 141mm (LxWxH)
- Weight: 7kg
The RZ high power unit G400 brings complete power to resections in urology and hysteroscopy. Various set-ups make it an extremely universal unit for all indications with a very high power spectrum.
- Automatic power regulation
- Detects and identifies connected instruments and automatically selects the appropriate programme (SDS plug only)
- The Powerstart system makes it easy to start cutting 105 different automatic programmes in 7 groups
- Real-time monitoring of output parameters
- For bipolar TUR-B/P and monopolar TUR-P
Technical data:
- Mains voltage 110-230 VAC
- Power consumption 500W
- Generator operating frequency 333kHZ
- Display TFT 10"
- Defibrillation pulse resistance according to EN 60601-1
- NEM system:
- Neutral electrode control
- Optical display 7 levels
- Required resistance < 240 Ω
- Gas type pure argon 4.8 (99.998%) or higher
- gas inlet pressure 0.25-0.4 [MPa]
- Monopolar coagulation: 200W
- Monopolar cutting: 400W
- Bipolar coagulation: 400W
- Bipolar cutting: 400W
- Gas emission: 0.1-10 l/min, regulated 0.1 l/min
- in the entire range
- Pressure reducer: (0.4 MPa) on the argon cylinder
- Vessel sealing system: 9 effects/300W
- AutoStop: automatic shutdown of the sealing process
- after achieving the optimum effect
- Dimensions: 495 x 415 x 225mm (LxWxH)
- Weight: 12.2kg
For the entire field of open surgery, neurosurgery, ENT and other fields, there is a wide range of instruments for monopolar and bipolar use.
- Monopolar and bipolar forceps
- Non stick instruments
- Electrodes
- Bipolar clamps and scissors
- Cables for all common devices and instrument connections

HF cable
- Contact
Do you have any questions?
Get in touch with us: we are here to help you and will be happy to answer your questions. At RZ-Medizintechnik, we put you, your wishes and concerns first.

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