Paediatric Urology
Paediatric urology is a highly complex field requiring atraumatic instruments and optical systems for the treatment of urological pathologies in children from birth onwards.
Miniaturised optics, urethroscopes, cystoscopes and instruments up to 3 Fr. in diameter improve access for procedures in the smallest of our patients.
- Product Highlights

Paediatric Cysto-Urethrotom

Cysto-urethroscope for newborns
- Product Details
The extremely thin and atraumatically manufactured ureterorenoscopes with fibre optics are suitable for use with instruments up to 3 Fr. We offer three sizes with diameters between 7.5 and 4.5 Fr. at the distal tip and matching optical systems and instruments for infants to adolescents.

For neonatal cystoscopy, 2 mm cystoscopes with sheaths for diagnostics (7.5 Fr.) or with a working channel (9 Fr.) are available in various lengths. The portfolio also includes cystoscopes in 2.7 mm or 2.9 mm for diagnosis and treatment in children and adolescents. The related grasping and biopsy forceps at 3 Fr. as well as electrodes are essential for the treatment.
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Get in touch with us: we are here to help you and will be happy to answer your questions. At RZ-Medizintechnik, we put you, your wishes and concerns first.