Diseases and disorders of the auditory and vestibular organs require precise instruments that can work in confined spaces and provide maximum visibility.
RZ offers a portfolio of ENT products specifically designed for otological and neurootological procedures up to and including extended skull base surgery, where an interdisciplinary approach is required.
Instruments for adult and paediatric procedures provide optimal visibility and excellent access for many specific indications and surgical techniques.
- Product Highlights
EESy Instrumente
Otology instruments
Ear speculums
- Product Details
The ESSy instruments allows the surgeon to use the one-hand
technique. The instruments are a suction – cutting – dissection
combination. These gives you major benefits in ESS and reduce
the limitations of the endoscopic approach.
With the ESSy you have one hand for the scope and the other
for the instrument. You avoid the constant change of instruments
and suction devices.
- Different tips in one design keeps
your handling consistent - Mini working tips combines with suction cannulas
- Less blood or tissue parts in the field of view
- Instrument can be kept in the surgical field

Hand-held otology instruments are essential for visualising and treating structures in the complex anatomical conditions.
Discover our complete portfolio with all of these instruments:
- Ear forceps and micro forceps
- Ear forceps
- Needles and knives
- Elevators, chisels and hammers
- Retractors
- Gouge forceps and rongeurs
- Suction cannulas
- Micro instruments

Diagnostics and imaging of the complex structures in the outer ear are part of the treatment. Ear specula in various designs are part of our portfolio.
- Paediatric ear specula
- Black coated ear specula
- Bevelled and self-retaining
In addition to the ear specula, tuning forks and standard instruments such as cotton carriers or cleaning accessories are available.

State-of-the-art otoscopes in short working lengths for outstanding image quality in finest Full HD resolution are our standard.
All otoscopes show a realistic reproduction of the anatomy with a superb illumination of the image to be able to show all structures in the middle and inner ear well.
The otoscopes show a high durability and are fully autoclavable.

- Contact
Do you have any questions?
Get in touch with us: we are here to help you and will be happy to answer your questions. At RZ-Medizintechnik, we put you, your wishes and concerns first.

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